
A year ago I made just one New Year’s resolution…to start this blog. I tried a few times before, but was lacking a theme. The first post of my current blog was dated 1/1/07. It took a while to filter the personal from the informative, but by and large I’m pleased with the result.

What has blogging done for me in the last 12 months? I felt at home at the blogger events I attended, made a few new friends, promoted my BlogTalkRadio show and have developed a small but growing readership.

Blogging has allowed me to qualify for press passes at industry conferences, get free sodas and in general be treated a little better than the conference attendees. Finally, I got a freebie copy of Seth Godin‘s Meatball Sundae. I’m not sure if that’s because the book isn’t doing so well or because someone thinks I’ll write about it. Either way, it was a nice way to close out the year.

Was one year of blogging worth it? Without doubt it is an unqualified yes in my book. Blogging opened doors, created an aura of legitimacy around my work and forms an archive of what caught my attention in 2007. It put me in the swim of conversation about the things I care about. I’m hooked and there’s no turning back. 2008 is going to rock, get ready!

Dogs in dogpatch

A tribute to the dog…

I thought I knew what I was doing when I tried to make a Chicago style dog. Then I searched Flickr. Hot dogs are an artform…

Down the Avenue

Renee Blodgett recently invited me to post to her blog. I suppose it’s appropriate. We met at the New Journalism conference at Stanford last year. It was my first taste of what citizen journalism could be.

I’ll be posting on some of the Silicon Valley events I attend as well as topics of interest to me. Social media, alternative energy and sustainable business practices are all fair game. You’ll find my first post here.

Down the Avenue is so much a part of Renee, I don’t think any number of guest posters will ever change the voice and point of view she’s established. I hope that I bring another set of eyes and ears with a focus on current business events and trends. As much as I’d like to write about women’s shoes, I’ll leave that to Renee.

So what about Dogpatch Dispatch? I’m still going to post items that interest me here. The posts here will interject more opinion and/or expand on the workaday reportage posted on Down the Avenue. Add both to your aggregator.

Cool the World

Time out for an important message…

Cool the World

Cool the World.

The New York Times reported a high of 72 degrees F in NYC today. The Coney Island Polar Bear Swimming Club is on the verge of declaring “no season” this year. It’s just too warm.



This blog is named after the Dogpatch historical district in San Francisco. My office is in the old American Can Factory on Third Street in the heart of the historic zone. Not to be mistaken with Lil’ Abner’s defunct Dogpatch, USA tourist trap. This part of town is on the rise again, as it was in the dot com era. Hmmm….